Welcome to STEAMShip
STEM champions – Explorers in the worlds of Science Technology Engineering Art & Mathematics.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. The addition of the A for Arts recognises the essential role creativity plays in STEM subjects. “Creativity involves putting your imagination to work. In a sense, creativity is applied imagination.”¹ We aim to make STEM more attractive and comprehensible to a wider group of students and ensure the next generation of citizens are equipped with the vital skills for taking on real world challenges of the 21st century. “Innovation is the child of imagination”²
At STEAMShip we create online resources, kits and topic based learning experiences to help schools enhance their STEAM education. We work with schools, organisations and individuals to create new and exciting ways to learn.
We understand the importance of equipping students with the skills they need to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world, and that’s why we’re dedicated to helping schools integrate science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) into their curriculum. Our aim is to help create the structure and environment to nurture a curious mind through re-imagined curricula.
Let us help you take your school’s STEAM education to the next level!

Latest News
Designing for the Future: How First Principles Thinking is Changing the World
First principles thinking is the key to unlocking innovation! By breaking down problems into fundamental principles, we can develop new solutions and build a generation of innovators. Reasoning from first principles is a powerful approach [...]
Virtual School Trip
While the country is in lockdown and many are forced to stay indoors and homeschool children, there are still many ways to explore and learn online. You could take your children on a virtual school [...]
STEM Celebration Event with the Palladian Academy, Bath
To conclude British Science Week 2019, The Palladian Academy trust schools held a STEM celebration event over two days at Ralph Allen School, Bath. All the schools in the trust embraced the opportunity to share [...]
Building a Mad Scientist’s Vintage Lab
There are lots of kits available these days for the budding electronics engineer, but we thought it would be great fun to prototype a minature version the kind of lab you might see being used [...]
Making a DIY Battery Using the Salt-Powered Robot Kit
As part of our science week activities we’ve been looking at a few green technology concepts. There are many great examples and we found the Salt Powered Robot Kit by Kidz Labs was a perfect [...]
Harry Potter Potions Lesson
Harry Potter Potions Lesson For a recent Harry Potter birthday party, we wanted to take the narrative of the story and inject some fun STEM elements into the activities, so we set up our own [...]
Workshop with Mufti Games – Taking Things Apart: A Case Study.
When we were asked to work with Mufti Games, a Bristol-based organisation which creates playful and memorable experiences for all ages, naturally we jumped at the chance. There is overwhelming evidence of the importance of [...]
Kelly Stanford – Ventures into Sci-art
Hello, I’m Kelly Stanford, a 23 year-old Manchester-based artist who likes to explore novel ways of using the visual arts as a form of science communication. My first ventures into sci-art started during my college [...]
Building An Interactive Orchestra Diagram
We continue to work with junior members of the STEAMShip crew to help realise their creative ambitions. This project was a year 8 music homework assignment to create a diagram of an orchestra, showing the [...]
Exploring Story Development: Writing stories for games
This is the first of a series of posts in which we'll look at different techniques of developing interactive stories. In this first post, we'll explore techniques to help you start to produce stories and [...]
How I got involved in STEAM. Dan Hulbert writes.
My journey began with a passion for all things music and music production. I play the guitar, piano and sing having played in many bands. I loved learning how to play and eventually master the [...]
Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit Unboxing & First Impressions
Nintendo changed the landscape of video games over a decade ago with the revolutionary Wii remote which came bundled with the Wii console. Never before had such a broad span of the population been caught [...]
Why Every Parent Should Be Encouraging Their Child To Learn To Code
Coding - It's not a computer thing, not a techie thing, not a gadgets thing - it's a language thing! Coding essentially involves using languages to perform tasks, to communicate ideas and to express your [...]
Spy Day!
During the summer break, we planned a spy activity day to keep some of the younger Steamship crew occupied. The idea was to give them several challenges to complete leading up to one big final [...]
Sciencefest Workshop – Case Study
The Steamship team were recently invited to take part in Combe Down Primary school’s Sciencefest week. The Brief We were asked to deliver a workshop to a class of key stage 2 children on the [...]
Don’t Wake the Dragon! – Making and Coding with the BBC Micro:Bit
We recently held a 'making' activity day themed around dragons. Inspired by this topic we decided to explore some new ideas for using the BBC Micro:Bit creatively, developing projects for making and coding in a [...]
Steampunking the Spikenzie Labs Solder : Time Watch
I was excited to receive the original Solder: Time watch by Spikenzie Labs as a birthday present and I thought it would make a good project for a steampunk watch. I have been a fan [...]
A Paper Circuits Christmas Card Challenge
As a seasonal challenge I thought I would try to make a light-up Christmas card. I have documented the entire process and challenges I faced along the way. Why don’t you have [...]
Christmas STEAM toys roundup
STEM / STEAM are very popular terms at the moment and many toys are being labelled as STEAM toys, but how can you tell which ones will really inspire your little inventor or engineer. [...]
Fun with LED Glowies and Throwies
LED Glowies and Throwies are great little lights which you can use as building blocks for all kinds of STEAM projects. A simple LED Glowie consists of an LED and 1 or 2 cell batteries, [...]
Junior STEAMShip Challenge: How To Build Your Own Lego Fidget Spinner
We challenged one of our junior crew members to come up with some designs for fidget spinners made out of Lego pieces. Have you ever really wanted a fidget spinner of your own but [...]
Interactive Electro Dough Ice Cream Eating Monster
Electro dough is a great way to introduce lessons on circuits to younger learners. It is such a tactile way to get involved with building and engages the creative mind, placing more emphasis on creative [...]
Top 10 STEAM books for the Summer Holidays
With the summer holidays looming, many of us will be looking for ideas to keep the kids entertained for the next few weeks. We've put together a list of our favourite STEAM books that [...]
Slime Adventures
Has the slime craze reached your house yet, it certainly has in ours! Our eldest has been spending literally hours up in her room mixing and squishing, all our bathroom products have been disappearing in [...]
Quotations: 1,2: Sir Ken Robinson – Out of Our Minds